Global Leadership Summit (Day 2 -- Twitter Recap)
“Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.”
Day 2 of the Global Leadership Summit was a mind feast. Summit faculty Horst Schulze, Sheila Heen, Brian Houston, Sam Adeyemi, Liz Wiseman, and Craig Groeschel providing the meal. Here are 60 thought-provoking lines. You can find more by searching Twitter using #GLS15, or visit @wcagls or @tommykiedis.
Horst Schulze
Chairman and CEO, Capella Hotel Group; Founding President and Former COO, The Ritz-Carlton Group
Session Title: Creating World Class Service
- Caring is what service means.
- Customer loyalty: It means customers trust you.
- Consumers want three things: 1) Defect-free product; 2) Timeliness (quick service); 3) Nice (caring) service.
- Service starts the instant you make contact -- the first 10 seconds (telephone or in person).
- Great service is compliance to your customer's need.
- Service: Welcome, Comply, Farewell.
- People become loyal in the moment they know someone cares for them.
- Leaders serve their teams by leading them to excellence.
- The key product we produce is service & respect to human beings.
- Creating World Class Service: "If you get the complaint you own it."
- We deliver three things: 1) Defect-free product; 2) Timeliness (quick service); 3) Caring (nice service).
Sheila Heen
Founder, Triad Consulting Group; Faculty, Harvard Law School
Session Title: Thanks For The Feedback
- Feedback is my relationship with the world and the world's relationship with me.
- Feedback conversations are hard, but these conversations help leaders to get the best of their people & vice versa.
- If I'm going to drive my own learning, I'm going to have to learn to receive feedback even when it comes poorly.
- A.C.E. - Three different kinds of feedback (we need them all). A=Appreciation, C=Coaching, E=Evaluation.
- Good questions about feedback: How much are you receiving? How much do you need?
- Getting better at receiving feedback does not obligate you to take the feedback.
- Three trigger reactions to feedback: 1 Truth (the content) 2 Relationship (the person) 3 Identity (my wiring)
- Feedback. First you have to understand what they are saying and then think about it.
- Seeing yourself accurately is essential for receiving feedback.
- Two feedback mirrors: Supportive mirror (people who reassure us); Honest mirror (people who tell us when we're not our best).
- The fastest way to change the culture of feedback is for the leader to get better at receiving feedback.
- Learning to receive feedback from each other is what leadership and the Christian walk are all about.
Brian Houston, @brianchouston
Founder and Global Senior Pastor, Hillsong Church
Session Title: One On One With Brian Houston
- Music is an arrowhead for a healthy church.
- I am great believer that when he Jesus said, "I will build my church..." he really will build it.
- "Longevity is perhaps the greatest strength anyone can have as a leader." HT @wcagls
- If you just keep up again every time you get knocked down, God does great things.
- When you get the right person in the right place at the right time God will bless it.
- Appreciate the vulnerability & honesty of @BrianCHouston sharing the reality of life's disappointments/living at the redline.
Sam Adeyemi, @sam_adeyemi
Founder and Senior Pastor, Daystar Christian Centre in Nigeria
Session Title: Crushing The Power Chasm
- You will not find the definition of success for your ministry/orgnization until you help the people... to succeed.
- Often the lack of growth is self-centeredness. James 4:3
- Sometimes things don't grow b/c something tells us (as leaders) they cannot do what we can do.
- Jesus did not only crushed the power gap. He overturned it. Luke 22:27
Liz Wiseman, @lizwiseman
President, The Wiseman Group, Best-Selling Author
Session Title: Rookie Smarts, Why Learning Beats Knowing
- It's not what you know, it's how fast you learn.
- Is it possible we are at our best when we know our very least -- when we are rookies?
- When challenge level at work is up, satisfaction is up too. When challenge is low, satisfaction is low too.
- In rookie state we work faster...b/c we're desperate. We are in pioneer mode, on the frontiers of our knowledge.
- The rookie zone is powerful b/c we don't like it. There's tension and we want to reduce it. We work.
- Signs you are on a plateau: 1 Things are running smoothly. 2 You have the answers. 3 You get positive feedback
- How to to master the pivot (learner/leader): Shift from Knower to Learner (Ask questions. Admit what you don't know.)
- Leaders need more than just a forward gear. Sometimes they need to stop ... or go into reverse and be mentored.
- If you want your team to stay relevant, lead your team into the unknown.
- Good leaders know when to get their rookie on!
Craig Groeschel, @craiggroeschel
Founder and Senior Pastor,
Session Title: Expanding Your Leadership Capacity
- Your brain does not comprehend what your body is capable of. There is far more in you than you thought possible.
- I came to the Summit this year to tell somebody that there is way more in you than you can imagine.
- Leaders: If you don't change the way you think you will be the lid for the organization
- 5 Cs to expand your leadership capacity: 1. Build your confidence by changing the way you talk to yourself. Ps 42:5
- 5 Cs to expand your leadership capacity: 2.Expand your connections.
- 5 Cs to expand your leadership capacity: 3. Improve your confidence. You may not know what it is; others do.
- 5 Cs to expand your leadership capacity: 4. Strengthen your character.
- 5 Cs to expand your leadership capacity: 5. Increase your commitment. Time to stop kinda trying to do something.
- You are not who others say you are, you are who I say you are. If God has called you, step through your fear.
- Show me who you are listening to and I will show you who you are becoming.
- You may be one relationship away from changing your destiny.
- Learn: Don't try to copy what they do, learn how they think.
- Whenever you find yourself where you want to push back, that is probably the place where you need to learn the most.
- Decide specifically where you need to improve: communication, listening, delegating, work ethic, feedback ... think!
- Talent can get you there, but only character will keep you there.
- You are only as strong as you are honest.
- The church does not exist for us, the church exists for the world.
Most re-tweeted and Favorited:
It is interesting to see what captures the hearts and minds of others. Here my tweets most re-tweeted or favorited by others (in ascending order):
- Leaders need more than just a forward gear. Sometimes they need to stop ... or go into reverse and be mentored. @LizWiseman
- Decide specifically where you need to improve: communication, listening, delegating, work ethic, feedback ... think! @CraigGroeschel
- I am great believer that when he Jesus said, "I will build my church..." he really will build it. @BrianCHouston
- Music is an arrowhead for a healthy church. @BrianCHouston
- Consumers want three things: 1) Defect-free product; 2) Timeliness (quick service); 3) Nice service Horst Schulze
- A.C.E. - Three different kinds of feedback (we need them all). A=Appreciation, C=Coaching, E=Evaluation. Sheila Heen
- Feedback conversations are hard, but these conversations help leaders to get the best of their people & vice versa. S Heen
- 7 People become loyal in the moment they know someone cares for them. Horst Schulze
- It's not what you know, it's how fast you learn. @LizWiseman
“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”