Don't Give Up On Change
Leaders are change-agents.
That's a tough role to play when change is slow and people are resistant. At such times it is easy to abandon the efforts or to move quickly in another direction. Often what is needed is not changing the course, but persevering on the current path:
“Significant change is the product of incremental experiments that build up over time. And cultures change slowly. Those who practice this form of [adaptive] leadership need to stay in the game, even while taking the heat along the way.”
The theory behind the author's work is evolutionary in nature, but this particular statement -- cultures changes slowly -- and the leader's work in light of it is pretty spot on. Paul's words come to mind:
“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.”
Leaders stay the course to bring about change. Don't give up on the changes God is calling you to make. Persevere, take the heat, and move the work forward to the glory of God.